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Reddit Write For Us – After almost a decade of teaching writing workshops and having a blog in which we have published more than six hundred entries, we have built a community of writers around us that we are tremendously proud of.

Today we want to thank you for your trust and for being there day after day, waiting for new entries or as students of the courses and workshops. So we return from the holidays with the batteries charged and many new things to offer you.

And to (re) start we have prepared a post where we try to answer some of the questions you most frequently ask us.

By the way, thank you for that too, because when you write to us to tell us your doubts, you help us to know what issues concern or interest you.

Seven questions are repeated continuously. They all have their crumb, although each focuses on a different aspect of writing and publishing a book or how to approach a writing career.

The best thing is that having the answer to these questions and putting what they tell you into practice will be close to becoming a successful writer.

Let’s go with them.

1. Is my idea worth it?

You have an idea to write a book, but you cannot judge if it is a good idea and is worth considering developing it and spending time working on it.

This question, like most, does not have an easy answer.

Our first recommendation is, once again, that you try to read a lot (but a lot). That will give you a broad background that will allow you to judge your idea with some knowledge of the facts.

But go ahead; there are rarely bad arguments; what there are bad (tacky, flabby, porous) ways of putting them.

If you have some knowledge of narratology, you will be able to judge if that story that haunts your imagination has possibilities, if you can give it a new approach, if you can delve into it from a unique point of view, if a particular protagonist would make it a new story. And attractive.

On the other hand, you need to start working on it and make some sketches before you can make an accurate judgment.

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We know it can be frustrating to spend time and effort working on an idea you might throw away, but man, that’s a writer’s job. If you thought it consisted of dreaming in the arms of the muse and signing books, you’re mistaken.

So create some quick outlines to help you outline the beginning, middle, and end. Make a token for your protagonist. Explore the conflict. Shuffle options…

This work will help you clarify your ideas and allow the story to take shape. Or it will make you realize that it’s not a good idea for a plot and that it’s better to scrap it for now.

A piece of advice: never throw away the sketches you have made. Keep them because you might be able to use them later. That idea may not be enough to write a novel, but it may have a hook as a secondary plot in another story. Or maybe you will find an attractive way to tell it.

2. How do I organize myself to write?

After delving a little into it, you have given the go-ahead to your story. You think it has potential.

Now it’s time to start working on it seriously, but how to do it?

Before you start writing that excellent novel that grows in your mind daily, you must get into the habit of writing. It would be best if you had organization, discipline, and a writing routine. You need to set your schedules and goals.

We know it sounds boring, and maybe you thought a creative job like writing didn’t involve things like this. But from our experience, we can assure you that everything we have just mentioned is not only necessary, but it is also essential.

Many of the unfinished novels that occupy space in the memories of thousands of computers or that sleep the sleep of just hundreds of drawers did not come to fruition precisely because their authors did not give importance to how they organized their time or their lack of productivity.

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They were good stories, with original arguments and protagonists worthy of entering the annals of Literature. But its authors underestimated the importance of setting a time to write day after day; their motivation failed, they did not know how to prioritize tasks, or they did not know how to maintain focus.

Writing a novel is a long and laborious process. Then comes the review and correction. After the edit. And finally, the sale and marketing work.

The best thing is that you learn as soon as possible to optimize your time, organize your day-to-day, set goals (and achieve them), and abandon the bad habit of procrastinating forever.

Only then do you have a real chance of writing a novel?

The How to Be a More Productive Writer course helps you set goals, stay focused, develop good habits, and stop procrastinating.

3. How do you write a novel?

You have the idea, and the necessary discipline and organization to turn that idea into a novel.

Where to start?

If you read us frequently, you already know what we recommend: you should start by doing the relevant preliminary work that allows you to clarify your ideas, draw up a robust plot, outline the initial outline and develop your characters.

Many new writers skip this previous step. They consider it dull as well as redundant. However, reality is in charge of teaching them (usually with little delicacy) that this work is essential.

This happens when they suddenly get stuck, not knowing where to continue their story.

This happens when halfway through the novel, they understand that they have chosen the narrator wrong and that now they cannot give the story the approach they thought.

This is when they find themselves without an end or hesitating between several endings.

This is what happens when in the review, they realize that their plot is riddled with gaps, inconsistencies, and chronological and structural errors.

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This is the case when his character is a lifeless entity incapable of arousing empathy in the reader.

And a very long etcetera.

We have talked about the advisability of investing time in doing this preliminary work,  how to face that planning task here.

We also recommend our star course: the novel course, in which you have more than nine hours of video with a lot of helpful knowledge about the different parts of a novel and how to make them fit together, worksheets that will help you make an effective previous plan and, if you wish, the advice of a teacher at your entire disposal for a whole year.

Once you have done the previous work, you will have to start writing. But with clear ideas, it will be easy for you to do it, and you will be able to pay less attention to “what comes next?” and focus more on the choice of words, the way of presenting the scenes, or the lyricism of the descriptions.

4. How do I get the inspiration flowing and avoid blockage?

We have been talking about hard work, effort, and planning, and perhaps we are starting to dislike you, but now we have good news for you.

If you follow the premises that we have given you so far, you can forget about having problems with inspiration and blockages.

Is it not wonderful?

The problems writers usually report about creative droughts, blockages, and terrors of the blank page are nothing more than the result of a lack of prior planning and the absence of an effective work routine.

Suppose you have a healthy work routine and know how to organize your time (and your mind) to be a productive writer. And if you’ve worked on the preliminary outline of your novel and have clear ideas about where you’re going to lead your story from beginning to end, it’s almost impossible for you to get blocked or run out of inspiration.

We assure you that in this way, the writing will flow, and it will be much easier for you to stay motivated and cross the finish line.

5. What do I do once I finish the novel?

First, you should ask yourself: have you finished your novel?

Many first-time authors end their novels when they have only a first draft.

So let a few days go by and read what you have written. This reading will help you verify structural errors, confusing or underdeveloped parts, and imbalances between the legs…

You can check the result against the outlines and summaries you prepared as part of the previous work, giving you an idea of ​​the parts that need a little more work.

Rewrite and modify everything as necessary. But, do it conscientiously, don’t let rush spoil your work.

What you have now is already more like a novel. But you can still do a second reading and polish up any minor flaws you can spot. Then, if you want, we can read your book to help you identify weaknesses, gaps, parts worth working on more, and underdeveloped character arcs… However, we’ll point out possible flaws and give you alternatives, so you know how to fix them. Everything in the Narrative Projects Tutoring.

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Once this is done, it is time for the correction.

  • Getting past your word processor’s autocorrect isn’t enough, but please do.
  • Read carefully and correct those accents that always fail in the third person of the simple past tense (arrived, left, etc.).
  • Beware of synonyms. Make sure that the words you use, especially if they are not part of your regular vocabulary, mean what you think.
  • And pay close attention to punctuation.
  • Four eyes see more than two: pass the novel on to someone you trust. Indeed hunting gazebos that you have slipped.

We can also help you with this part and submit your original to a professional spelling and style review.

With the corrected and perfect novel, you can consider the different possibilities of publication at your fingertips. We talk about them in this article.

6. How do I promote my novel?

In the previous point, we have said that, with the finished novel, you should assess the different publication options available to you. Moreover, now, that is somethingt you should value already while you are working on your novel.

Because depending on the option you prefer, this is how you should start focusing on promoting your book.

It’s never too early to start working on book promotion, and while you’re writing,, you can get ahead of many things.

  • If you don’t already have it, you can create your writer’s website and start writing your blog.
  • You can locate literary blogs and magazines and network to ensure reviews of your novel when it is ready.
  • You can (should) start to find out who your ideal reader is and attract them to your website to create a community of people interested in what you do, future readers of your book.
  • You can make contact with other writers, cultural journalists, editors…
  • You can create and maintain active profiles on the main social networks.

As you can imagine, writing a novel and, at the same time, working on your brand and your author platform requires organization and an optimal way of managing your time.

7. How can I become a successful writer?

The first thing you should do is define what success is for you.

For a writer, success may consist in finishing his novel. Moreover, for another, success will be published. For a third party, post it with a large publisher. And for yet another, to become a best seller on Amazon.

The truth is that success is closely linked to the goals you set for yourself, hence the importance of knowing how to fix them.

And be careful because it may seem obvious: we all know what we want, but in reality, this is usually not the case, and that leads to many missteps.

However, let’s agree that being a successful writer can be something like being a writer who lives by writing; that he publishes regularly and without problems; that he has a growing number of readers who appreciate what he does and want to buy every new book he brings out; and therefore has some notoriety.

How is that accomplished?

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Well, following from one to seven the points we have just given you.

However, a successful writer is the one who writes and reads every day.

[A successful writer is the one who has an effective work routine.

Moreover, a successful writer is the one who has the necessary knowledge to be able to assess his ideas with equanimity and turn them into solid and well-worked novels.

“A successful writer is the one who knows and controls his own writing process.

[A ]successful writer is the one who knows that planning is a job that is part of the writing process and dedicates time to it, because he knows that this way he avoids many troubles.

However, a successful writer is the one who works early on his writing platform and manages the tools and strategies that help him become visible to his ideal reader.

“A successful writer is the one who has a personal brand and invests time in doing marketing actions.


Do not be.

Undoubtedly, the work is a lot, but the trick is to know what you have to do at all times and organize yourself well.

Join our community of writers and we will help you achieve it. Every week you will receive new content to improve your writing, be more productive and learn effective marketing techniques to promote your books. Moreover, you just have to leave your email below and you will be inside.

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