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How to encourage reading in children_

How to encourage reading in children? – Find exciting stories, open new worlds, increase knowledge, and enhance imagination and creativity… Reading is not just a hobby or something that entertains us. And it is an activity that nourishes and feeds our brains.

Several studies claim that reading can help improve our emotional state and thus increase our satisfaction, and it can help us reduce stress and enhance empathy and social skills.

Despite this, it is a habit that not all people manage to introduce into their routines, and that is usually costly to promote in the little ones.

benefits of reading

Reading is an activity with significant repercussions for the psychological development of people. It allows us to train to understand and interact with our environment and the elements surrounding us.

Strengthens neural connections.

It feeds skills like cunning, analysis, expression, and language.

Improves the ability to exchange information and knowledge.

It improves memory and delays the onset of dementia symptoms.

It stimulates empathy and the ability to imagine.

We relate what we read to our events, which can help us remember and confront personal experiences.

Enhance creativity.

Reduce stress.

How to encourage reading in children?

How to encourage reading in children_

Getting used to reading favors the intellectual development of the little ones. It is a habit we can acquire from childhood, although it is often difficult to establish.

Reading has multiple benefits, as we have seen. It promotes language development, communication, understanding of emotions, and management in boys and girls. If we encourage this habit in the little ones, we will get them to understand and interact better with the world around them, understand it, and know how to relate to the environment.

Create an attractive and accessible reading space

If they are related to books from a young age, it will be easier for them to turn to them later through play. Books adapted to each stage of development are visually appealing and tactilely stimulating, drawing their attention. They approach them in the early stages of development, discovering the sensations, experimenting with the senses and not only the content (colors, shapes, textures, books with sounds…).

Reading can be a bonding moment.

Especially in the early years, the link with reading is related to the personal link. That is, it must be a shared moment of connection. However, we must try to promote emotionally charged meetings in which we share care, affection, and pampering with reading. In this way, they will seek these sensations through this activity.

It is as simple as establishing the routine of reading with them before going to sleep or at some point during the day that we are calm in a comfortable place, which relaxes us. In this way, they will also associate reading with a moment of peace and tranquillity that takes them away from everyday stressors.

Promote imagination and the creation process

When it is still us and we who read them, we must consider how we do it. Depending on what happens in the story, the tone, volume, and changes in the voices will make them better understand the emotions transmitted and empathize and connect with them.

We can also not only stick to reading stories or books but create stories with them to enhance the imagination and make them protagonists.

Take your interests into account.

Show them different options and introduce other stories adapted to their age and stage of development so that they discover their tastes in reading.

This is essential to maintain interest, and it is something that, little by little, they will be able to establish and discover on their own. Still, in the beginning, we must provide them with and facilitate this exploration.

Moreover, let us remember that in April, the day of the book is celebrated. And many fairs and exhibitions are held where we can take children to explore and learn about reading.


If we are talking about how reading can benefit our state of mind. We must try to make the place where we read to them, or they read comfortable and like it. In this way, we will enhance those positive sensations, and they will seek that place of peace with greater ease.

It does not have to require extra investment or ample space. Let’s find a place in the house with good lighting (natural or artificial) and put pillows or a small rug if we don’t have an exclusive sofa or armchair for it. They can have a basket or a drawer to store and order their books to have them at hand and choose what they want at any time.

Establish a routine to know How to encourage reading in children

To create a habit, it is necessary to establish a routine. We must not cross the line of obligation, or it can become tedious.

If it is also difficult for us. It is vital to contemplate the idea that being an example for the little ones is one of the best ways for these activities to attract them because they will imitate us.

In the same way, the routine can be as simple as that space we must share with them to read to them or read together. And also that the act itself is rewarded and the bond we were talking about.

On a day-to-day basis, we can take the opportunity to visit a bookstore or look at the book section. If we go shopping somewhere. Small actions allow them to explore and connect with this world.

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what seo experts do Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:53:13 +0000 What SEO experts do – Because a professional SEO provides measurable results. Good positioning in Google translates into a more...

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What SEO experts do – Because a professional SEO provides measurable results. Good positioning in Google translates into a more significant influx of qualified traffic to your website. In turn, this will help you generate more leads and conversions and directly impact all your business metrics.

  • Because SEO = visibility. Today, if you’re not on Google, you don’t exist. Searching for information online is an important phase of the purchasing process for many users, so you need to be there.
  • Because a good SEO improves your reputation, more or less consciously, users associate that the best brands are those that appear in the top positions on Google. Therefore, working with an SEO expert can help you improve your brand image and online reputation.
  • Because it provides long-term profitability, in general, SEO results are not usually immediate, but they are long-lasting. Ranking at the top of search can take months or even years, but once there, you’ll have a great source of quality traffic with a meager maintenance cost. Investing in SEO is worth it to ensure the future of your brand.
  • Because SEO is one of the pillars of online marketing, within the marketing plan, positioning is an ingredient that cannot be missing. In the end, your website is the only channel you control 100% and the basis of online conversions, so it is essential to get as much performance as possible with good positioning.

SEO expert: in-house, freelance or agency?

  • When hiring an  SEO expert, we must assess different options: hire a person directly in our company, use the services of a freelancer or look for an agency specialized in SEO.
  • It is using a  professional on staff is usually a good option for large companies since it provides maximum control and integration of SEO within the marketing department. However, it necessary to be borne in mind that these are highly sought-after professionals with excellent technical knowledge, so salaries are usually high.
  • We are hiring a  freelance SEO expertise a trendy alternative for small and medium-sized businesses. Nowadays, professionals have all kinds of profiles and experience in different sectors. To achieve good results, it is essential to spend time researching and selecting a professional who fitsll.
  • And finally, we can also value the idea of ​​looking for an agency specialized in SEO or even a  digital marketing agency that integrates SEO with other services such as marketing on social networks or online advertising.

5 keys to success when choosing your SEO expert

1) The positioning of your web page

  • Do you know the saying “in the blacksmith’s house, a wooden knife”? Well, that is precisely what we want to avoid. If someone sells her services as an SEO expert, it makes sense to apply her skills to herself first.
  • Consequently, the first recommendation is to look at the positioning of the SEO expert you want to hire. Keywords like “best SEO expert” are hard to hit for freelancers or small agencies, but at the very least, you should rank for niche keywords like “SEO for bars and restaurants”.

2) The profile of your customers

  • If the SEO expert’s website includes testimonials from their clients, this is usually a good sign. But don’t just look at what they say, but also at what the brand they represents: are they small, medium or large companies? Are they related to your sector?
  • Remember that there are no unique formulas in SEO, so it is essential to work with people who understand what you need and have previous experience in similar projects.

3) The services offered

  • An  SEO professional should offer comprehensive services, which include both the aspects of SEO on-page (optimize your website) and SEO off-page (generate incoming links). Only by combining both factors can a solid and long-term positioning be achieved.
  • Furthermore, SEO professionals do not work in a bubble but are an integral part of the company’s marketing. Therefore, they must know other related disciplines, such as online advertising, programming or web design.

4) What it promises

  • No expert in SEO positioning can promise that you will get the first position in Google, and even less in a short period. Exaggerated promises are a clear alarm signal: either they are selling you a pig in a poke, or they plan to resort to black hat techniques that always result in penalties in the long run.
  • This does not get nasty that you should not expect results: with a well-executed SEO strategy, you will surely improve the positioning of your website. But a professional must always be realistic and admit that there are factors that do not depend entirely on him.

5) How you communicate

  • Before starting a long-term relationship, such as hiring an SEO expert, both parties’ expectations must be very clear. And that includes defining when and how you are going to communicate.
  • A good SEO expert should be available to answer your questions when necessary and be able to clearly explain his work, as well as facilitate regular reports and meetings to report the results. Fluid communication is the basis of trust.

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what seo keywords to use Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:01:40 +0000 What SEO keywords to use – Searching for keywords to optimize your content and generate organic traffic to your website...

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What SEO keywords to use – Searching for keywords to optimize your content and generate organic traffic to your website is easier than you think.

I have seen many articles on optimising content for good SEO rankings. However, I have never read anything that explains step by step how to search for keywords and select the ones that are relevant to develop your content.

In this post, I want to explain the process that we use at Splash to generate our posts and seek to generate organic traffic.

After reading a thousand blogs online and trying a thousand ways to search for keywords, these steps have worked the most for us, so they are tested by ourselves.

It is a process that may seem long, but it is adequate to position your website in search engines. I hope it will also help you search for better keywords, optimize your articles and generate more organic traffic.

Now that you have distinguished what keywords are, let’s move on to the steps that will help you develop a keyword research strategy and improve the rankings of your website.

1. Create a new Google Sheets sheet

The first thing you should do is go to Google Sheets and produce a new sheet. Give it a name and write “Keyword” or “Palabra Clave” in the first column and row.

Now that you have a new document, it’s time to start working on your keywords and understand which ones to choose. This document will help you in each of the following steps.

2. Identify your ideal buyer

I like to talk about ideal buyers ( buyer persona), not potential customers. Clients can be many. But your ideal buyer better defines who your strategy is aimed at.

Your ideal buyer is the person with the greatest urgency to solve a problem, with the highest purchasing power, and whose sales cycle is as short as possible. Seek to create your Buyer Persona.

Also, you must look for a niche market that is perfect for your ideal buyer.

You don’t want to make the typical mistake that many entrepreneurs make: find a problem that only one person or a tiny group of people have.

You must take the time to think about your ideal buyer before moving on to the third step.

3. Think like your customers

You must identify this person to think as they think. Think about the different ways they can search for the topic of your content or blog post.

Never use the Google Keyword Planner: it is a mistake that will limit you from finding different keywords that may be essential to generating organic traffic to your website.

Example of why not to use Google Keyword Planner as a first step:

I’ll give an example of why you shouldn’t use Google Keyword Planner as the first step in searching for keywords and optimizing your content for SEO.

Think of all the disputes that come to mind about soccer and write them down.

There are no wrong or good answers. It’s a brainstorm. We did that exercise in Splash with the team, and the keywords that came up as a result were:

  • Real Madrid
  • Messi
  • Stadiums
  • Spain
  • Pep Guardiola to Man City

Now, if you enter the Google Keyword Planner and type “soccer” as a keyword, you will realize that the most significant number of searches are focused on the following words:

None of the words we found in our exercise appears within most Google Keyword Planner searches.

Most soccer searches focus on finding “soccer scores”, but when you ask people about it, they will use other words.

This is a blunder. We often go directly to search for keywords instead of putting ourselves in our clients’ shoes and thinking like them. Understanding the topics that are of interest to them is a fundamental step.

4. Think about the search terms your customer uses

Define the topic of your blog post or content before searching for keywords. To facilitate the exercise, I will use this post as an example.

Write the topic of the post.

For this blog post, I thought I would write something related to “keywords” within Google Keyword Planner.

Be more specific

I’m not interested in discussing how to use this tool to generate ads or search only for long-tail keywords.

I am interested in discussing how to search for or choose keywords to write blog posts with a good ranking within Google. 

I want to write something that explains step-by-step how to research keywords before writing a blog post and help people improve their SEO rankings.

Google it

As the excellent Latino would say, now « Google it ». At the end of the search, Google will recommend more words or searches similar to your keywords.

When doing a “keyword” search, you will realize that many of the variations probably won’t help you as they have no relevance to your blog post.

This is key. Now write all these new ideas in your Google Sheets document. You can perform this exercise as often as you want or as necessary.

The idea is to have as many variables of potential keywords and ideas as before searching for your keywords in Google Keyword Planner.

Generate substitutes

Find different ways to say a similar thing. I do not consider myself a person with an extensive vocabulary. Words don’t come to mind so quickly, so I always rely on my great friend, the dictionary. I look for synonyms for my keywords.

In this case, I’m interested in finding synonyms for “select“, “search“, and “process”.

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can seo be automated Sun, 28 Jan 2024 08:22:18 +0000 can seo be automated – The automation technique covers all the processes and work instruments that allow the autonomous operation...

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can seo be automated – The automation technique covers all the processes and work instruments that allow the autonomous operation of facilities. These include machines, apparatus, equipment and other devices. Human intervention only takes place to a minimal extent.

The discipline of engineering pursues an idea that can be classified into several disciplines, which includes mechanics (industrial engineering) and electrotechnics. The aim of automation technology is to automate machines and plants in such a way that they work autonomously efficiently and with a low level of errors. Depending on the complexity of the facilities, different degrees of automation can be achieved. The dimension is greater the lower the need for human intervention in the processes. An important contribution to the increasing performance of systems is found in the development of essential components. For high-value drive solutions for controlling automation technology Harmonic Drive AG is a competent partner.

Using the automation technique: Offloading tasks and higher performance

Automated systems offer numerous advantages. They perform dangerous and physically hard jobs, exempting people from them. The machines also take on grueling routine tasks. It is not without reason that the advance of automation is closely associated with population growth. Since the increase in people increases the need for quality goods and mass production.

In addition to freeing up tasks for people, automation technology offers other advantages: The machines generate continuous high-level outputs. Its work rate far exceeds the speed of manual processes. In addition, the automation technology improves the quality of the products and reduces personnel costs.

Early origins of automation technique

The origins of the automation technique date back to the 18th century. In 1785 Edmond Cartwright invented the fully mechanized loom. Thanks to wooden boards with holes, it was possible to produce fabrics with uniform patterns. The operation of the loom used to be in charge of two strong men, by means of a manual crank. With the basic principle of mechanization, the loom was a decisive step on the way to the textile industry.

As early as 1788 James Watt provided the basis for modern regulation technology. He transferred to industrial (mechanical) engineering the principle used in grinding, that of the centrifugal force regulator. The aforementioned component regulated the revolutions in the steam engine constantly.

Areas of application of automation technology

Today, automation technology and its systems are used in almost all areas of life. Thus, the automation of household products seems absolutely normal to us, there is nothing more to think about than a dishwasher. In vehicles, an anti-lock system and automation reducers offer us even more safety and comfort when driving. Automation technology has also expanded in entertainment electronics – a modern example would be the so-called Smart Home.

Automation technology occupies a special place in production. Here, the installations of process technology, as well as installations in power plants and production circuits receive automated technologies. Sectors that use these solutions to a large extent are, among others, the automotive industry, mechanics (industrial engineering), the electrical industry and aircraft construction. The industry’s need for intelligent automation technology continues to grow and is not expected to slow down.

Structure of automated systems

An automated system consists of a plant to be controlled, the automation computer control and the periphery. This environment has sensors that record control data, and actors that apply the corresponding control commands. Another element is made up of networked field bus systems. They connect the individual components of automation technology with each other and with the control unit.

Automation technology functions

Automation technology systems include different key functions. Among them are, on the one hand, measurement and control. Other tasks of the system are, on the other hand, regulation and communication. As a technical control facility, the main control room forms the area for monitoring all processes. This is the so-called “man-machine interface”.

The specific subfields of automation technology include special technical components. Thus, the measurement usually takes place with sensors. These sensors determine physical and chemical characteristics, such as, for example, humidity, pressure or heat. A distinction is made between passive and active sensors. For measurement there is a wide range of receivers that have been specially developed for automated systems.

System control in the field of automation technology takes place via flexible programmable storage control (SPS) on a digital basis. Control commands reach the system through actors such as motors, valves or magnets. In the past, systems included hard-wired, hard-wired programmed controls, which also required adapting the connections to modify. In SPS it is enough to modify the program. This control was developed in 1968 in the US and introduced in Europe in 1973.

When regulating , the dimension to be regulated is continuously measured and compared with the desired value. If the measurement result differs, correction will occur. This procedure performed under computer control.

Automation technology has complex communication involving many different sensors and actors. The interconnection of the components carried out by means of field bus systems such as profibus or CAN-Bus. Using standardized protocols, the system regulates how multiple participants use a connection line. Currently, communication within the framework of automation technology also takes place via Ethernet. Through the internet connection, maintenance of the installations can carried out remotely.

Operation and monitoring via the Human-Machine-Interface (human-machine interface)

With automation technology systems, users interact via the user interface. By using this Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) you quickly get an overview of all essential operating processes. You can observe the plant, operate machines and intervene in process flows on a safe decision basis. Through a control panel or a visualization of processes, those responsible have access to the information. The panel equipped with indicator lights, keys and display fields. The software-based visualization takes place via an operating terminal. Basically, modern HMI techniques can integrated into the automation technology of system operators via open standardized interfaces.

High-quality components from automation technology

Numerous components involved in the control and regulation technology of automation technology, such as special drive technology. For facility operators, collaboration with a qualified and experienced operator recommended. Harmonic Drive AG develops, builds and manufactures individual solutions for drives in the field of robotics and automation, among others. High-quality gear units, motors and other components can used in a modular way.

Safety requirements when using automation technology

If automated installations stopped, (for example, in a chemical factory), security risks created. Therefore, the requirements for reliable operation in the mentioned field are very high. In automation technology, there are therefore numerous guidelines and safety standards. Thus, the VDI/VDE 2180 guideline of the Association of German Engineers (Verein deutscher Ingenieure) includes important standards for the use of process management techniques.

If facilities connected to the Internet, IT experts must secure communication structures to prevent possible access and espionage attacks.

The future: Industry 4.0

Automation technology considered the key industry on the way to Industry 4.0. This concept refers to digitally connected intelligent systems that enable largely autonomous industrial production. In a Smart Factory (intelligent factory) there communicatively connected people, facilities, products and logistics. This also considered as the fourth industrial revolution.

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how seo works Sun, 28 Jan 2024 05:57:59 +0000 how seo works – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is the set of optimization strategies and techniques that are...

The post how seo works appeared first on Mini Second.

how seo works – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is the set of optimization strategies and techniques that are carried out on a web page so that it appears organically in Internet search engines such as Google, Yahoo or YouTube. The correct application of SEO can cause expressive increases in traffic and the visibility of brands on the Internet.

One of the biggest goals of companies that invest in  Digital Marketing  is to reach the top positions in hunt engines — after all, who doesn’t poverty free clicks and more visitors to their site?

But in a field as fierce and competitive as the Internet, making your website stand out among the millions of pages on the net seems like an impossible task. And I say that it seems because in realism it is not.

However, being on the Internet is not sufficient to guarantee that your site, e-commerce or blog achieves a place on the first sheet of Google: it is necessary to capitalize in a specific plan to optimize the results and ensure that your business achieves good positioning. web for the most important keywords in your segment.

how seo works

With SEO or Search Engine Optimization — Search Engine Optimization — you can make your website appear in relevant searches, joining your content with people who are looking for crops or services like the one you offer.

It’s the perfect operation!

But you should know that doing SEO wants a lot of study to understand terminology, build strategies and smear practices that will take you to the top of the Google results pages .

Don’t worry! Whether you want to revenue your first steps in the world of hunt engine optimization, or you want to revive your knowledge, in this complete SEO leader we will explain everything you need to know on the subject.

In this article you will find:

  • What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
  • 7 advantages of implementing an SEO strategy
  • What types of search are there?
  • What is Google Update?
  • How to put together a good SEO strategy and conquer the top of Google?
  • What is On-Page SEO?
  • What is off-page SEO?
  • How does technical SEO work?
  • What is local SEO?
  • What is SEO in Social Networks?
  • SEO success stories
  • conclusion and bonus

Read carefully and become a specialist in web positioning!

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

SEO is the acronym for Hunt Engine Optimization, which means “search engine optimization”. It consists of a series of optimization techniques, disciplines and strategies that are applied on the pages of a website or blog to recover its search engine positioning.

This Marketing strategy is essential for your corporation to gain importance, visibility in the digital world and, consequently, more leads , customers and billing for your commercial.


Optimizing sites and blogs finished the use of systems to improve the web positioning of your pages and placing your company in the first fallouts of Google, for example, increase (and a lot) your business opportunities.

After all, 90% of persons who search on Google only click on the fallouts that appear on the first page of the engine.

The main objective of SEO, therefore, is to upsurge the volume of organic traffic and ensure more visibility for web pages.

What is the variance between SEO and SEM?

We fix not poverty to leave out of this article a topic that reasons a lot of confusion among experts who are starting out in the biosphere of Digital Marketing and this is the difference amid SEO then SEM.

Although at first they may appear to refer to like actions given the similarity of their abbreviations, you should pay close care because they refer to completely different actions. Let’s see one by one.

SEO = Organic positioning

As you already know, SEO refers to all those actions that you can income inside or outside your website to enhance its positioning in search engines organically. This last opinion is key since organic means “no payment” .

With an SEO strategy you don’t pay Google or any other hunt engine to gain positions in the SERP. It is your valuable content and your optimizations that earn those places in their own right.

SEM = paid positioning

On the contrary, SEM —Search Engine Marketing— refers to those plans that include the use of paid advertisements.

That is, with a SEM strategy, you create an advertising campaign so that when a user types a search, your site appears before the organic results in the form of an ad, as long as it matches the user’s search intention.

Which to choose?

A complete Digital Marketing strategy should not opt ​​for one and exclude the other. That is, you must include in your strategy a combination of SEO and SEM strategies to increase your results .

With the use of SEM, results are generated instantly in a short term, necessary when you want to increase visibility or brand recognition quickly or when you want to launch products or promotions for a limited time.

In addition, SEO is a strategy that works in the medium and long term, constantly bringing better quality visits.

If you want to expand this matter further, we recommend you read our article on SEO vs. SEM .

But what are the advantages of this SEO strategy and how efficient can it be? Here we present the main ones.

7 advantages of implementing an SEO strategy

1. Increases the visibility of a brand

Implementing an SEO strategy is one of the best ways to increase your brand visibility organically.

Imagine the following scenario: your business is in charge of selling washing machines. A user, let’s call him Pedro, is having problems with his washing machine, so he googles how he can fix it himself.

Coincidentally, you have an article that shows a step by step to repair washing machines, so you get that visit to your website.

And although the article talks about repair and not about sale, this is only the beginning of a customer relationship with your brand. It is what in Inbound we know as the attraction stage.

2. Attract qualified traffic

Like Pedro, many other users will come to your content to answer their questions or find solutions to their problems.

With the creation of valuable content, optimized for search engines, your website will be able to organically attract the leads you are looking for, at the right time.

In this way, the more visitors you receive, the more people will know about you and the more likely you are to close a sale, which brings us to the next advantage.

3. Generate leads

Imagine that, although Pedro repaired his washing machine, he definitely needs to change it, as it continues to present other faults.

As Pedro already knows your brand, thanks to the fact that he has found the solution to his questions in your articles, surely he will already trust your business and will think of you, as his first option, to buy his next washing machine. This is the decision stage in the Inbound methodology.

4. Position a brand as an authority in the market

Continuing with our example, in Pedro’s mind and in that of many other users like him, your company will occupy their Top of Mind , that is, it will be the first brand that comes to mind after they think of washing machines.

SEO allows you to achieve this by facilitating correct indexing and improving the organic positioning of your content.

Thus, whenever Pedro or anyone else searches for information about washing machines, your website will be the first to appear, or at least, the result they are looking for.

In this field, a concept that has been highlighted is that of EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), an acronym used to represent the three fundamental elements of quality content.

Google has recently looked favorably on content published by authors who have recognized technical authority and credibility on the respective subject.

For example, on a disease content website, you might want to have articles written by doctors, with an author page containing information about their professional history.

5. Educate the market

Users like Pedro have surely been educated with your articles on the operation, care and maintenance of their washing machines.

Likewise, they have managed to understand what are the specifications they are looking for with their washing machine, according to their personal needs.

As you can see, the importance of positioning content lies not only in closing sales, but also in educating the audience to make better decisions.

6. Win over the competition

Finally, if it is your brand that produces the most complete and relevant content on washing machines, who do you think users will look for when they want to know something about washing machines? Who will they trust if they need to make a purchase?

Although it takes time and a lot of work to implement an SEO strategy, in the long run it generates constant and lasting results.

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how seo helps your business Sun, 28 Jan 2024 04:39:23 +0000 how seo helps your business – Having a presence on the Internet has many advantages for any business. These include the...

The post how seo helps your business appeared first on Mini Second.

how seo helps your business – Having a presence on the Internet has many advantages for any business. These include the possibility of reaching more potential customers, increasing sales and saving on promotions. But how to get your small or medium business to take advantage of these benefits.

The main thing is to have a defined digital marketing plan and strategies . Within the tactics that you apply, you should not leave out Search Engine Optimization (SEO), in Spanish: optimization for search engines.

SEO is the set of actions that you apply on the website and outside it to improve its visibility and position yourself in the search engine results. They are tactics used to help crawlers find the web. In this way they identify what it is about, classify it and give it a position on the results page.

By applying an appropriate SEO strategy, the business benefits from more organic visits. It allows to improve branding and increases credibility in the business. It also favors conversions. Although in principle not all visits turn into sales, there are more chances of getting customers.

SEO is dynamic and constantly evolving. Roughly speaking , the strategy includes link generation, mobile optimization, quality content and technical aspects such as loading speed. These are some aspects to take care of, but not all. And the way in which these are applied changes, so you have to always keep up to date.

Misusing these strategies or abusing web optimization will result in poor positioning or penalties.

SEO optimization features

When an SEO positioning strategy is applied, the web is sought to appear in the first places of search engines such as Google, Bing or others. Until this happens, you have to be patient, be constant and keep up with the operation of the search engines.

And it is that SEO takes time, no site will be positioned overnight in the first places of searches. This happens only when it comes to news sites or before a very relevant event. Therefore, you will have to wait months, sometimes more than a year, to position your website.

This does not mean that you should leave optimization in the background. On the contrary, you have to work until you achieve your goal, even if it means changing the strategy. The advantage is that once you reach the top positions, it will be easier to stay there. The results take time to arrive but they are lasting.

Being well positioned improves the online reputation of businesses . It is an indication that the site is useful and offers what users are looking for.

And all this is achieved with a lower investment than other promotion strategies. However, it is not free as many people think. You have to invest in factors such as content creation, web maintenance, etc. In the long run, this investment is more profitable than traditional promotion.

Some people confuse the term SEO with SEM. These are two different strategies. The difference is that in the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) the ads that appear in the search engines are paid. The results are immediate and the more specific segmentation, on the other hand, is less durable.

We can summarize the characteristics of SEO as follows:

  • It requires daily work but the results are long term.
  • You get constant promotion of the business.
  • Improves the usability of the web.
  • The results are maintained over time.
  • You don’t have to spend money on search engine advertising.

Importance of Search Engine Optimization

If you still wonder what SEO is for, we can summarize it as a tool to promote your website. As well as the products and services that you offer on the site. Applying a relevant strategy will allow users to find you faster. Likewise, you will be able to offer them precise content and information, according to their interests.

A well positioned business will be more competitive. Consumers today use the Internet to search for information about local businesses, products, and services. And more than 90% of internet experiences start on search engines according to Also, 80% of searches are done on Google.

The local ones represent 46% of the total searches made on Google. And 18% of local searches end in a purchase within 24 hours.

So, for local businesses it is essential to know how to position themselves in Google to take advantage of these advantages.

How does SEO help my business?

Now that you distinguish what SEO is and its importance, we will delve into its benefits and how it helps businesses.

1. Improves visibility and brand awareness

A fundamental part of SEO are keywords. That is, the terms for which you want to position yourself in Google or any other search engine. Choosing the right keywords, focused on the niche you are targeting will make more people find you.

In other words, it will improve the visibility of your website. The keywords must be related to your business , with the products and services you offer. Do not limit yourself to the main keyword, have one for each page you want to position and look for synonyms with which you can replace them.

When a user searches the Internet, they do not do it just for a term. You will most likely change the search parameters several times. That is why using synonyms and specific terms will give you more opportunity to position yourself.

By appearing on the results page, the user will be aware of your brand. Timely information and class content will make you stick to their memory.

2. Increase the credibility of your business

Existence at the top of Google or any search engine is a sign of trust. Getting there income that the search engine thinks your website is relevant and offers valued content to users.

So anyone who sees your site in the top 10 will assume you are a reliable source. Furthermore, few users will go beyond the first page of results in search of information.

75% only see the first page of results , according to Search Engine Journal.

3. You get quality traffic

SEO will attract qualified traffic to your website. With these techniques you seek to reach people who are absorbed in your products or services, in order to increase conversions. You achieve this by segmenting users and optimizing with your buyer persona in mind.

Choosing the accurate keywords is critical to getting superiority traffic. It should be noted that not all calls will become conversions. But, the more people enter the web, the more possibilities there are to sell more, get more downloads, subscriptions or whatsoever your goal is.

4. It is a long-term strategy

By way of we mentioned, no website ranks overnight. On the other hand, when you apply an SEO strategy, the results are more durable over time. This sets it apart since other types of movements that are only temporary.

It is worth taking the time to strategy and execute your SEO strategy. Because once you position yourself you will only have to stay among the first places. If you have questions about how to develop a strategy you can interaction us and request a free quote .

5. Improve web usability

Web optimization is made up of external and internal factors. This last group includes the actions that are taken within the website to improve positioning. It is also known as on-page SEO.

On-page SEO actions are applied not only to ease the crawling of pages by search engine bots. But also in facilitating the navigation of the users through the pages, that is, improving the usability of the website.

For this you have to pay attention to the design and architecture of the page. So that the visitor finds what he is looking for in a few clicks. The loading time of the web must be reduced and a network of internal links must be created to facilitate navigation.

6. SEO is a profitable strategy

We already stated that SEO is not free, it requires some investment. But, in reappearance, the benefits are greater than those you get with other digital marketing strategies. The Return on Investment of SEO is higher than traditional advertising .

This strategy allows you to reach persons who are absorbed in your product or service organically. By identifying your target audience, you apply actions to entice them, convert them into customers and then retain them.

In addition, you have the chance to identify new market niches. Therefore, to develop new business ideas.

7. It allows you to get to know your customers better

To know if your strategy works or not you have to analyze the results. This will allow you to know what changes to apply and also get to know the users who visit your website better.

Use online tools to do this examination. Google Analytics is one of the greatest used, it is free and offers you valuable information about visits. With this you will obtain data about the audience, their behavior on the web and conversions.

Among the information you can obtain is the place from where they connect, the devices they use, the time and days they are most active, the pages they visit, etc.

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how seo and sem work together Sun, 28 Jan 2024 04:24:20 +0000 how SEO and sem work together – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is part of your digital advertising...

The post how seo and sem work together appeared first on Mini Second.

how SEO and sem work together – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is part of your digital advertising strategy that emphasises organically driving traffic to your website.

This is done by enhancing all web and social content to match key search terms. SEO generally refers to the optimization of the content that will be on your website in any way, such as the blog and the main content; it does not refer to paid advertisements.

SEO Example

A typical SEO campaign includes the following steps:

  • Research and analysis of keywords.
  • Carry out keyword analysis on existing web content.
  • Optimize web content based on search terms.
  • Optimize the website’s user experience to ensure a better quality score in Google Advertisements.

What are the differences between SEO and SEM?

The chief change amid SEO and SEM is that SEO focuses on carbon-based (not paid) traffic, and SEM prioritizes paid searches. SEO, SEM and other marketing strategies each have their role.

Adding keyword descriptions to the meta description section of each web page makes it more likely to appear in organic search results.

It’s an excellent example of how to use the content you already have effectively, showing Google that you’re posting relevant content.

Below, you can see an example of a basic SEM strategy: the demographic target of an advertising campaign.

Demographic directing is available for search and display ads allowing you to filter your audience based on specific criteria such as age and household income.

What is SEO best for? 

Search engine optimization is best for organic circulation, meaning visitors would find your web page due to the perfect alignment between search terms and your content.

For example, if you sell the best western boots in the country, search queries looking for the best ones should end up on your site, right?

Things are not that easy. According to Google Live Stats, each year, there are approximately 1.2 trillion searches on Google; probably this figure is only an estimate.

This means that your gratified needs to compete for care, and that means optimizing all of your web content to the max. This makes it more likely that inquiries will end up naturally on your site and maximizes your ad budget.

In conclusion: 

SEO is best for enhancing web content to drive organic and non-paid traffic to your website. It’s cheap but time-consuming, and it often takes a long time to see quantifiable results.

What is SEM best for?

SEM advertising is designed for the strategic use of advertising. The more specific your marketing goals are, the better SEM will work for you.

  • Segmentation of specific demographic data.
  • Schedule your advertising for the most profitable search time.
  • Click and conversion tracking.
  • Get your content to the first page of the SERPs.

Audience segmentation is where SEM takes advantage when comparing SEO and SEM. You can reason of your SEO strategy as a wide net that captures the most significant number of potential users. In contrast, your SEM strategy is a fishing expedition where there are fewer, but more closely related leads.

In conclusion: 

The SEM significance of a campaign derives from its ability to appropriately allocate your ad budget to deliver your ads during peak hours to critical demographics. Although this costs money, it also drives higher-quality traffic to your site; that is, users are more likely to famine your product and buy it.

How long does it take to see the results of SEO SEM?

With any digital marketing strategy,, clearly defined and delimited objectives are important. While any additional traffic is a step in the right direction, it’s significant to have realistic goals. It is not very likely that your website will reach the top position in the SERPs after only a few weeks of effort.

Realistically, it takes numerous months to two years for your SEO, and SEM plans to reach their full potential, but there needs measurable growth.


Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy. Most marketers agree that progress in SERP rankings and conversions should be seen within 6-12 months of implementing a quality SEO strategy.

But it is not a strict rule. Newer domains will take longer to rank, while sites with previous penalties or SEO violations will have to fix earlier issues before a new strategy works.

High-competition keywords also take longer to climb the rankings. Due to decreased competition for niche searches, long-tail keywords often show faster gains with an SEO strategy.

Although SEO can take a while to show results, the fact is that it is almost impossible to improve the SERPs without it.


Search engine marketing produces faster results than SEO. Sometimes, simply setting up a well-planned ad campaign can bring instant results.

In general, you can see increased traffic for about 3 months after implementing a quality SEM strategy.

You should review your keyword research and ad grouping if you don’t see KPIs in line with your goals.

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are seo tools worth it Sat, 27 Jan 2024 08:00:42 +0000 are seo tools worth it – Surely the results of Google also drive you crazy, if I appear one higher,...

The post are seo tools worth it appeared first on Mini Second.

are seo tools worth it – Surely the results of Google also drive you crazy, if I appear one higher, if one lower, if now I am on the second page, now what do I do to appear again on the first and a long etcetera. And yes, this SEO (or Google positioning) thing is not easy, but even more, it is really impossible if you do not have the necessary SEO tools .

If web positioning has something good compared to traditional media, it is that absolutely everything can be measured. All the information you can collect on the Internet is your most valuable treasure and you must take good care of it. But how to get this information? With the necessary SEO tools. There are an endless number of them: for general analysis, for more specific analysis, for measurement and for everything. And yes, many of them are free.

Here is a list of about of the most important from our point of view. We will start with Google, since it is he who has the power.

1. Google Search Console

Of all the SEO tools you can consider, never discard this one. It is absolutely essential and, unfortunately, it is the only way to communicate with Google for SEO issues. It shows very relevant information about the current situation of your website and the possible mistakes that you may be making in your on-page or internal SEO. Some of the information you can get is related to how Google reads (crawls) your website, how it shows you in its results, and what terms you are appearing for. It is, therefore, a tool that is also very useful for updating your keyword study , since you can obtain information on how users have reached your website before.

Also, within Webmaster Tools (or Search Console for the modern ones), you can find “mini-tools” that you can only get here, such as the disavow tool (to disavow external links), the structured data markup assistant or the elimination of urls.

Come on, what a gem!

2. Google Analytics

One of the SEO measurement tools par excellence . To tell you all the information that you can obtain from Google Analytics, we would not need another post, but rather an entire book. The possibilities offered by this tool are endless if you know how to use it. Sometimes people use Analytics just to measure how many visits come to their website and through which channels, that’s fine, but really the potential of the tool is immensely greater. Playing with filters and segments will allow you to analyze each of the movements that users make on your website. And believe me, this will help you make very important decisions.

Many people dedicated to SEO forget how important it is to measure, what is the use of making decisions if you do not know how they are working? Remember, set objectives in your strategy, but also configure them in Analytics to be able to measure them later.


3. Google Trends

Some will think that this is not one of the most useful SEO tools. Personally, I do consider it important, mainly for two SEO aspects: content (the King) and keywords .. It is a tool (of course free) that analyzes search trends in Google, both current and previous years. And you will think that this is useless, but if you are interested in positioning yourself… What better than using the keywords that people search for the most? I will give you an example, if tomorrow (God forbid) there is an earthquake in Madrid, thousands of people will search for information about “earthquake in Madrid”, therefore this word will become a trend. Wouldn’t it be the right time to write about it on your blog? You have already created a fleeting content strategy.

On the other hand, if you are doing a keyword study for your website or you need to update the one you have, this tool will undoubtedly help you. You can filter the searches by countries, dates, popularity, frequency, etc. If you know how to use it, I assure you that you will be able to get a lot of practice out of it.

4. Google Adwords Planner

Another of the essential Google SEO tools. Even if you don’t campaign on Google Adwords, my recommendation is that you create an account just so you can access the keyword planner . Without a doubt, it is the star tool for a good study of keywords. Google gives you nice (and we assume true) information about how many searches a word has, what level of competition or what related words can serve you. It’s not for nothing, but no one knows better than Google, so I would pay attention to it.

As personal advice, never give up on your keywords, check the planner from time to time and check that the search volume has not changed substantially, you know, the trends are random!

[Tweet “In #SEO the important thing is to have objectives and measure their achievement. Measure, measure, measure”]

5. Semrush

We start with the non-Google SEO tools. Semrush is one of the fundamental tools for competitive analysis. And yes, you should spy on your competition from time to time to find out what’s going on in the market. It provides information on external links ( backlinks ), but the pearl of this tool is the information it provides on keywords. Analyze keyword positions, their variations, positioned urls, volume of traffic they provide, etc. And the best? That analyzes it both for your website and for all the domains you want.

They offer a somewhat limited free version, but the paid version is really worth it (and even more so if you have Google Adwords campaigns).

6. Open Site Explorer (MOZ)

It is a basic SEO tool for your backlink strategy (SEO off page). Calculate the famous PA (Page Authority) and DA (Domain Authority) indicators, very useful to know how green your website is in popularity. It can be one of the most useful SEO tools when it comes to links. In my opinion, the information it provides is better than any other tool; but as a disadvantage it must be said that the free version has many limitations. It is worth buying it!


7. Ahrefs

This tool is also useful for your backlink strategy. Honestly, nothing to do compared to the previous one; but it is true that if you cannot afford to buy the paid version of Open Site Explorer, Ahrefs will undoubtedly be of great help to you. Provides information about external and internal links, what type they are, what value they have according to their ranking, etc.

8. Pro Rank Tracker

It is quite basic, but very useful to measure the evolution and keep track of your keywords . The best thing about this tool is that it automatically sends daily reports with all the information on your keywords. The bad thing, as always, is that the free version has quite a few limitations. It allows you a maximum of 20 keywords and, perhaps, in this case, it is not worth investing in the paid one if you have already done it in Semrush.

9. Link Detox

This will only be useful in some cases, especially when you have done a “crappy” SEO or when you have been penalized for some Google algorithm update. The tool analyzes all your external links (depending on how many you have, the more expensive it is) and classifies them as more or less toxic. Trust me, you probably have more toxic links than you think.

But I only recommend using this tool if you have too many, especially since its price is not entirely affordable.

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are seo services worth it Sat, 27 Jan 2024 07:53:32 +0000 are seo services worth it – SEO is one of the most important elements to achieve excellent positioning within search...

The post are seo services worth it appeared first on Mini Second.

are seo services worth it – SEO is one of the most important elements to achieve excellent positioning within search engines. However, all of us who dedicate ourselves to this world generate a bit of uncertainty about the future that SEO is going to have and where it is going.

It is no secret to anyone that, without SEO work, it is unlikely that a web page will position itself correctly in search engines, and this is where everything related to having this strategy as the main source to increase visits to your websites comes from. websites.

Without a doubt, it is an excellent marketing strategy where you will be able to see great results with respect to traffic, visits and, above all, positioning. That is why the best option you have to invest is this.

If you stop doing SEO you will undoubtedly see negative changes for your website, because you will not have new content, it will not position your page in new searches and the worst thing: it will significantly harm your positioning. Do you want this for your website?

We are sure that is not what you want. For this reason, in this article we invite you to continue reading so that you can observe the future that SEO will have in this world.

Importance of SEO for web positioning

One of the reasons why SEO is one of the best marketing strategies to achieve the positioning of your web page, is that, without a doubt, it makes it more productive and useful both for search engines and for everyone. the users.

Undoubtedly, this strategy is very necessary if what you want is to achieve a receptivity on the part of the visitors and also, it makes it easier for the search engines to understand what each web page is about and if it is useful and convenient for all the users who enter. to your site.

SEO is the best way for everyone who wants to enter your website to find you easily through search engines. This is because all the visitors who locate your site are there because they want to find all the content that you offer.

This is where the importance of having good SEO on your website lies; in any other way you will not achieve the objective of positioning yourself. We know, that to generate traffic on web pages takes time, therefore, you must make sure that you have an excellent SEO team so that you reach the top in the search engines.

Does SEO still have a future for positioning?

Despite the fact that many things in this world of marketing strategies have changed and others have evolved, SEO will always be a good option for any web page that wants to position itself in all existing search engines.

The future will be marketing and everything that has to do with this medium . What would a web page be if it did not have a magnificent strategy such as SEO?

It is like this, without you being able to have an SEO or a team that carries out the positioning of your website, you will not get anywhere, because you will lose visits and your site will never appear in the search engines, which will cause your page to be One more of a lot.

Perhaps many people try to convince you that SEO is dead, but the reality is different, it has evolved and it has done so for the better, it has implemented new techniques to satisfy the needs of all users.

It is there where content must be made that meets the expectations and all the needs that the client has at that moment. Therefore, the information must be wide and varied.

Unquestionably, SEO now has a future for everything that refers to marketing strategies ; Other innovative techniques may emerge, but this will always be the best option if what you want is to reach the highest level of positioning.

There is no other strategy like this and that achieves all the results it has had so far. Trust the process and without a doubt you will see very favorable results for your website.

Is it a good idea to invest in SEO?

Of course yes. If you are reconsidering the idea of ​​investing in SEO, what are you waiting for? The moment is now. This will make your website have a better audience, more receptivity and without a doubt, it will convert potential customers into real customers.

Sometimes you probably mistrust SEO a bit and more if you are starting out in this world, but there is nothing to worry about. With this strategy, you will see unmatched results, your page will reach a level that not even you will be able to believe .

The fact that you manage to position yourself in the search engines, that you receive potential customers and that the traffic on your website increases, is already evidence that the investment you will make in SEO will be incredible and best of all, you will be able to see results. .

In short, think no more; Investing in this strategy will be the best thing you can do, since it will bring great benefits to your page. Of course, remember to create creative and varied content for the entire public , also, do not forget to look for a specialized team to help you with SEO.

Advantages that SEO offers you

Now, since you know everything that SEO will be for the future and the reason why it is worth investing in this valuable marketing strategy. It is time for you to know the advantages it brings to the positioning of your website.

If you still have doubts about how wonderful it is, in this section you will definitely be convinced of everything you can achieve with the help of SEO.

Increase your visibility

Undoubtedly, if your website is about a store or a product that you offer, with SEO strategies you will have many visits and sales will multiply . But, always keep in mind to meet the expectations of your customers and offer new products or services to users who have just arrived.

Greater profitability

The SEO strategy increases your profitability, because many people believe that an excessive amount must be paid to execute any of these techniques, but the reality is different; you adapt your budget according to the objectives you want . However, you should keep in mind that the more you invest, the more profitable and faster your positioning will be on the web.

It is a long term investment

The best of all is that if you apply this technique for the positioning of your website, it will be an investment that will last over time . This is the best of all; With SEO, once you have managed to rank in Google, you will be in that place for a long time and at no additional cost.

Increases credibility and trust

If SEO is executed in an optimal way, without a doubt, you will increase the credibility and trust of all users and you will be able to be recommended by other people, which without much thought will increase your sales, improve user traffic and you will be in the top of the search engines.

It will make you a leader in the market

As said before, by obtaining a good position you will be recognized by many customers who will want to have your products , which means that your sales will increase significantly and you will become the king of business thanks to good SEO performance.

Now that you know the advantages and benefits that SEO offers you, it’s time to put it into practice and start reaching the highest level in search engines. Do not doubt this strategy, although sometimes it may raise doubts, SEO will be part of the future and it is an investment worth making.

Also, if you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you!

Does SEO still have a future? Is it worth investing in it?

SEO is one of the most important elements to achieve excellent positioning within search engines. However, all of us who dedicate ourselves to this world generate a bit of uncertainty about the future that SEO will have and where it is going.

It is no secret to anyone that without SEO work, it is unlikely that a web page will position itself correctly in search engines, and this is where everything related to having this strategy as the main source to increase visits to your pages comes from. Web.

Without a doubt, it is an excellent marketing strategy where you will be able to see great results with respect to traffic, visits and, above all, positioning. That is why the best option you have to invest is this.

If you stop doing SEO you will undoubtedly see negative changes for your website, because you will not have new content, it will not position your page in new searches and the worst thing: it will significantly harm your positioning. Do you want this for your website?

We are sure that is not what you want. For this reason, in this article we invite you to continue reading so that you can observe the future that SEO will have in this world.

Importance of SEO for web positioning

One of the reasons why SEO is one of the best marketing strategies to achieve the positioning of your web page, is that, without a doubt, it makes it more productive and useful both for search engines and for everyone. the users.

Undoubtedly, this strategy is very necessary if what you want is to achieve a receptivity on the part of the visitors and also, it makes it easier for the search engines to understand what each web page is about and if it is useful and convenient for all the users who enter. to your site.

SEO is the best way for everyone who wants to enter your website to find you easily through search engines. This is because all the visitors who locate your site are there because they want to find all the content that you offer.

This is where the importance of having good SEO on your website lies; in any other way you will not achieve the objective of positioning yourself. We know, that to generate traffic on web pages takes time, therefore, you must make sure that you have an excellent SEO team so that you reach the top in the search engines.

Does SEO still have a future for positioning?

Despite the fact that many things in this world of marketing strategies have changed and others have evolved, SEO will always be a good option for any web page that wants to position itself in all existing search engines.

The future will be marketing and everything that has to do with this medium . What would a web page be if it did not have a magnificent strategy such as SEO?

It is like this, without you being able to have an SEO or a team that carries out the positioning of your website, you will not get anywhere, because you will lose visits and your site will never appear in the search engines, which will cause your page to be One more of a lot.

Perhaps many people try to convince you that SEO is dead, but the reality is different, it has evolved and it has done so for the better, it has implemented new techniques to satisfy the needs of all users.

It is there where content must be made that meets the expectations and all the needs that the client has at that moment. Therefore, the information must be wide and varied.

Unquestionably, SEO now has a future for everything that refers to marketing strategies ; Other innovative techniques may emerge, but this will always be the best option if what you want is to reach the highest level of positioning.

There is no other strategy like this and that achieves all the results it has had so far. Trust the process and without a doubt you will see very favorable results for your website.

Is it a good idea to invest in SEO?

Of course yes. If you are reconsidering the idea of ​​investing in SEO, what are you waiting for? The moment is now. This will make your website have a better audience, more receptivity and without a doubt, it will convert potential customers into real customers.

Sometimes you probably mistrust SEO a bit and more if you are starting out in this world, but there is nothing to worry about. With this strategy, you will see unmatched results, your page will reach a level that not even you will be able to believe .

The fact that you manage to position yourself in the search engines, that you receive potential customers and that the traffic on your website increases, is already evidence that the investment you will make in SEO will be incredible and best of all, you will be able to see results. .

In short, think no more; Investing in this strategy will be the best thing you can do, since it will bring great benefits to your page. Of course, remember to create creative and varied content for the entire public , also, do not forget to look for a specialized team to help you with SEO.

Advantages that SEO offers you

Now, since you know everything that SEO will be for the future and the reason why it is worth investing in this valuable marketing strategy. It is time for you to know the advantages it brings to the positioning of your website.

If you still have doubts about how wonderful it is, in this section you will definitely be convinced of everything you can achieve with the help of SEO.

Increase your visibility

Undoubtedly, if your website is about a store or a product that you offer, with SEO strategies you will have many visits and sales will multiply . But, always keep in mind to meet the expectations of your customers and offer new products or services to users who have just arrived.

Greater profitability

The SEO strategy increases your profitability, because many people believe that an excessive amount must be paid to execute any of these techniques, but the reality is different; you adapt your budget according to the objectives you want . However, you should keep in mind that the more you invest, the more profitable and faster your positioning will be on the web.

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are seo services worth it reddit Sat, 27 Jan 2024 07:46:03 +0000 are SEO services worth it Reddit – SEO is the acronym for Hunt Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) and is...

The post are seo services worth it reddit appeared first on Mini Second.

are SEO services worth it Reddit – SEO is the acronym for Hunt Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) and is a practice that consists of optimizing your web pages so that they are better positioned in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO is an effective and inexpensive marketing strategy that helps drive traffic to a website and increase adaptation rates.

To better comprehend what SEO is, this article will guide you through the basics of search engines and SEO, it will explain how search algorithms work and what factors influence the web positioning of your site.

At the end of the piece, you will too find SEO best practices and comprehensive resources to expand your knowledge.

Table of Contents

SEO vs. SEM: What’s the difference?

We already saw what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means. Now we will briefly go over the difference between SEO and SEM.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Machine Marketing (SEM) are marketing strategies that trades use to reach their audiences through search consequences.

The key difference is that SEO emphasizes on optimizing pages to rank better done organic traffic. This refers to users who come from search engines like Google or Bing.

For its part, SEM uses payment strategies to upsurge the visibility of a web page in search engines. Visitors from paid circulation come from clicking on ads generated on Google Ads or other platforms.

While SEO takes some time to give reliable and long-lasting results, SEM offers almost instant results. You’ll quickly see how many clicks and conversions your ads are generating on search engines.

Despite being different, SEO and SEM go hand in hand. A decent SEO foundation is necessary for a fruitful SEM plan.

Optimizing your landing pages with keywords can progress your Google Quality Score and increase your site’s visibility.

What factors influence SEO and are the most important?

As the primary search engine, Google processes more than 6.5 billion searches a day. Therefore, ranking high in Google results can drive significant traffic to your site.

For this reason, it is essential to pay close attention to Google’s web positioning factors. These factors, which are constantly evolving along with Google’s search algorithms, help deliver the most relevant content for a better user experience.

From load time to page security, these are the most important SEO factors to know:

  • Page speed. Defines the amount of time a web page takes to load. A page that loads quickly helps your site rank better in search engines. Regularly monitor your site’s performance and use speed analysis tools like Google’s PageSpeed ​​Insights and Pingdom’s speed test to get insight into your site’s performance.
  • Compatibility with mobile devices. A responsive design automatically adjusts web page elements to accommodate different screen sizes, providing an optimal experience for users on all devices. Responsive and mobile-friendly site pages will appear higher in search engines. Check Google’s mobile-friendliness test to measure how easy your site is to use.
  • High-quality content. It offers relevant and objective information to answer specific queries. Google evaluates content length, structure, relevant keywords, and information. Continuously create unique and original content to attract more users and increase the visibility of your site.
  • Backlinks. Also known as incoming links, they are links to your website located on other sites, which serve as an indicator of the authority of your site. When a website or blog includes your link in its content, it marks your site as a relevant source. Pages with high-quality inbound links from credible sites may rank higher on search engine pages.
  • User experience. Google measures user experience through various indicators, such as bounce rate and dwell time. When visitors arrive at a site and leave soon after, Google considers the site irrelevant. On the other hand, if visitors stay for a while, it is a sign that the site provides valuable information.
  • Site security. It includes all the actions to protect a page and its visitors from cyberattacks. Thus, Google gives priority to sites protected by HTTPS. Meanwhile, a site that doesn’t have it is marked as unsafe and will most likely drive away visitors. Since security is a priority for all web users, it is vital to add an SSL certificate to your site.

How does SEO work?

Google and other search trains work to collect, establish, and display relevant information to answer user queries. To do this, they carry out three main processes:

  • trace. Search trains rely on a team of web crawlers, also known as web spiders or simply bots, who are tasked with finding up-to-date content on the web. Web crawlers help discover and collect the information needed to index a page.
  • indexing. It refers to a process in which search engines store and organize collected web pages. Once web crawlers find info on a site, such as keywords and fresh content, they add the web page to the search index. When users search for relevant information, the search engine will retrieve the indexed web page.
  • Positioning. The web pages in the index will be displayed in the search results from the most relevant content to the least relevant.

SEO improves your web attendance by making your site more attractive to search engines. In other words, it is used to determine how well your site goes through this series of steps, from crawling to web positioning.

For example, well-structured internal links on your pages make it easy for web crawlers to jump from one page to another. This allows them to explore your website in-depth and index more content.

In addition, search engine algorithms also take into account other ranking factors, such as relevant keywords, the quality of internal links, and content freshness.

Therefore, optimizing your website content with these factors in mind can significantly increase your search rankings.

What are the different types of SEO?

Here’s a brief summary of the four main types of SEO along with their core elements.

  • On-page SEO: Site content, keyword optimization, title tags, alternative text for images.
  • SEO off-page: Link building, marketing de influencers, Redes Sociales, foros.
  • Technical SEO: Site speed, schema markup, internal links, SSL certificate.
  • Local SEO: Local keywords, business profile, customer reviews, local content.

To give you a better sympathetic of SEO, the following sections will reveal the definitions of each type, how it works, and how it is applied.

SEO on-page

On-page SEO mentions to the process of optimizing the individual pages of a site to increase its position in organic search engine results.

This type of SEO emphasizes both the page content and the HTML source code, including title tags, header tags, and meta descriptions. Thus, the page will be attractive to web users and search engine crawlers.
On-page SEO also helps to organize your page so that web crawlers can easily analyze the content and index it for relevant searches.

To guide you in on-page SEO optimization, we have put together some of the main practices that you should know:

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  • Site content. Google uses a framework known as EAT (expertise, trustworthiness, and trustworthiness) to assess the quality of content, pages, and sites. Favor high-quality content from trusted authors and trusted pages. Therefore, to rank higher in search results, you need to make sure that your page meets these criteria.
  • Keyword Optimization. Including keywords in your content helps the search algorithm to identify the type of information you are providing. Conduct keyword research with SEO tools like Ahrefs  Keywords Explorer or Google Keyword Planner to find a target keyword besides figuring you’re happy around it. Of course, make sure that the distribution of the keywords is natural to avoid Google’s penalty for keyword stuffing.
  • Title tag. Also known as a page title, it looks like a clickable link that people see on search engine results on pages. Determines the relevance of the page to the user’s search intent. A well-written headline will generate more clicks and drive more traffic to the page. In addition, concise titles that contain keywords are favored and ranked higher by search engines like Google.
  • Header tags. Breaking content into bits with header tags provides a better user experience and makes it easier for web crawlers to index the page. When users type their search terms, the search engine will search for any relevant information using these tags as a guide. In this way, the chances of your page appearing higher in search engines increase.
  • Alternative text of the image. Alternative text is an attribute that describes a specific image that the site can’t display and is useful for visually impaired users. Screen readers use the alt text information to describe the image. This text informs the search engine that the image is a valuable piece of your content. This provides additional organic ranking opportunities for your page, as it can appear in Google image search results.
  • Meta description. Refers to the short description of pages in the SERPs, which appear as snippets along with the page title and URL. Meta descriptions include keywords and precisely describe the information the page offers. A good meta description can drive more clicks and lower bounce rates if the content meets the user’s intent.

SEO off-page

Off-page SEO refers to any action taken outside the site to improve its position in search results. It allows the search engine to know how the public perceives a site, a company or a creation.

As a result, a well-constructed off-page SEO strategy can aid your website upsurge its page authority and rank higher in search engines.

These are some factors of this type of SEO that must be taken into account:

  • Link building. It refers to the process of acquiring links from other websites to your site. The Google procedure relies deeply on links. Every link you receive aids as a vote of sureness for your site. However, you should always prioritize quantity over quality and make sure you only get quality links from trusted sites.
  • Marketing in social networks. Building a strong communal media presence is important to your business. It is a resource for users to check their reputation. Posting engaging content on social media helps reach a larger audience. Also, if your content manages to get traffic from different parts of the world, the search engine will see that your site is trustworthy.

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  • Influencer Marketing. Building relationships with brands or influencers is a great way to build brand awareness. Done right, influencer marketing can help support your brand and drive new audiences to your site. In this way, you can get more traffic and recognition.
  • Forums. Forum pages like Quora, Reddit, and Stack Overflow are excellent opportunities to promote your website. There, you can participate in real conversations between users by answering questions, which allows you to show your expertise and reliability. Also, you can add a link to a page on your site and drive biological search traffic.

While link building is the central aspect of this strategy, all activities that take place outside of a site are considered off-page SEO and should not be overlooked.

technical SEO

Technical SEO is the procedure of optimizing the technical aspects of your website to ensure that it sees the criteria of a search engine procedure. This comprises speed optimization, mobile compatibility, and page architecture.

Technical SEO optimization will guide a search engine like Google to easily detect and directory your pages. Thus, it will reward a well-optimized technical SEO website with a higher position in search results.

Technical SEO not only helps improve your search engine rankings but also influences the user experience. Moreover, users and search machines prefer a well-structured site with fast loading time and high security, which are all essential factors of technical SEO.

There are several aspects of technical SEO that you should take into account when optimizing your website:

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